Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas 2009

After the last several Christmas's in Honduras, we were excited to visit my parents and family this year. Though the gifts were sparce from Louis and I to our kids, the grandparents made up for it in excess. The girls were so excited to find new games, toys and clothes under the tree. Louis and I opted to purchase a wheat grinder for our gift to each other but Santa helped each of us find stocking stuffers within the budget.

Gabe had so much fun finding the treasures stored deep in his stocking. Santa brought ample fruit snacks and crackers, as well as some new socks (much needed) and some new puzzles and toys. His favorite gift was a dump truck filled with blocks from Grandma and Grandpa Blake. He can remove the dumper and ride the truck around the house.

Kenda was so humble this year. With each gift, came a thank you and a sincere hug for the giver. She is a truly Christlike person who we are so blessed to have in our home.

Gabe was so sticky by the time he got interested in opening gifts that the paper was sticking to his hands and face..of course he would not let go of the candy cane either.
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