Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Festival 2009

This year the girls had a Christmas festival at school. For the grandmas who missed it, we have added a few videos below. It was pretty funny watching them again. Kenda learned how to play Jingle Bells on her recorder flute thing and did a great job in the program. By the time I got the video button on the camera to work, that song was over. Then they began the 2nd song...which you will notice she did not know as well. Oh well, the show must go on I guess. Kiah on the other hand sang as loud as she could, even if she did not know the song. The little boy at her left was worth noting too, as he was quite a character. The program began with the Pledge of Allegiance and ended with everyone singing "Silent Night". One of the best things about private school is the girls are learning that God and Country still carry priority in our Nation. Wouldn't our world be a better place if that feeling carried over to all parts of their life. Hope you enjoy....I sure did!

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