Just a little side story at Kenda's party....
As the moms started arriving, the woman with the long black hair arrives as well. Because we are on the beach with kids spread out, I didn't think anything of it. She makes small talk with me and another mom and says she would love to braid Kenda's hair for her birthday. I think "wow, that is a nice gift for Kenda". I am wondering the whole time, whose kids are hers at the party. As the party continues, I discretely ask a few of the other moms what her name is. No one knows her. No one has seen her before. She has now made herself quite comfortable at our party. She has been eating chips, getting juice when she is thirsty and has even been wiping up the table from a few of the kids. After a bit, it is apparent that she is not actually an invited guest but rather has just invited herself to our party. All of us know if we say something, it will be an awkward situation so we just let her hang out. I even tried to tell her Kenda would probabaly not have time to have her hair done, as she is having too much fun playing with her friends in the water. She insists on staying until the end to braid her hair. She had pizza (5 pieces...but who's counting), cake, ice cream etc. Finally, the evening ends, Kenda's hair is braided and she hits us up for taxi fare home, saying that because she stayed to braid Kenda's hair, she didn't go out on the beach and make other money for taxi fare and so we needed to pay for her to get home. It was such a crazy, bizarre situation. In the end, she got $5 for her taxi, a full meal and she took home an extra plate of pizza for her kids. Just wierd!!!!
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