Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Going to the Mainland

 Ok so I can't get the pictures to go in the right order but whatever, right!! At least they are up! We went to LaCeiba to renew our residency and the kids were fascinated by the very tiny and very noisy prop plane. The cockpit was open and Gabe could see everything the pilots did to fly the plane. It took several hours to finally get through with all of the steps to get it renewed. The kids were so tired and ready to go home by the end of the day. 

 Here is the cockpit.

While waiting for Louis, I took the kids to the MegaPlex. It was like a Honduran mall. They had these little toys they could ride like the ones out in front of a Kmart. I bought 10 $ worth of tokens and figured they could play all afternoon while we waited for Louis. Unfortunately Gabe fell off of one of the toys when he was goofing around and they were not happy with us staying all afternoon and using their toy area. 
The kids spent an hour or two at the airport watching movies until it was time to fly home. Our return flight was only 15 min. What a long airport wait for such a short flight!

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