Monday, September 3, 2012

An Evening At Bananarama

We decided to go to the resort for the fire dancer show and to visit all of our friends at the resort. When we arrived, there was a bday party going on for Jeneva, the daughter of Paul the fire dancer. The kids were instantly welcomed into the group and spent several hours playing games, eating pizza and cake and even hitting the pinata. It kept them all occupied while Louis and I ( and Journey) got to visit with old friends.
Before dinner we took a walk down the beach. It was a beautiful night and the kids were so happy to be walking along the shore together. What cute kids I have. :)


JoJo didn't want to walk almost the whole night until the fire show. Then suddenly she wanted out of our arms and into the sand. For those of you who have been to the island, you will remember what fine sand is on the beach and how that reacts with hot sticky skin. She was sooo caked in sand! I had to take her to the kitchen sink and rinse her off before we could take her in the car. She went home in only a diaper. 

This is Paul the Fire Dancer. He does an amazing fire show (I think you can see it on YouTube). Anyway, he made great balloon animals and party hats too! 
This is Journey sitting up to the bar drinking her very first pina colada. It was like deja vu for me, as Kiah was this same age when she came with us to the island the first time. Kiah's second word was lada lada (pina colada). The bartenders would see her coming and start making her one. To see JoJo doing the same was quite a moment of nastalgia. 

1 comment:

Miranda said...

I remember Kenda hopping up to the bar and flashing two fingers to Sabino, saying, "Two please," ordering a pina colada for Kiah and herself. It's great to hear that you're looking to be back so soon - I thought it was a 2-year thing. Hope you're settling in!