Sunday, May 20, 2012

Grandma Straight's 80th Birthday

We drove 11 hours to spend the weekend in Buffalo Wy for Grandma's 80th birthday. It was a surprise so the first night we hung out at the pool (and several times through the weekend). the next morning after the kids indulged themselves with the free continental breakfast, we headed over to Gma's church for a potluck and surprise party. It was soooo amazing seeing her face when she walked into the church house to find several brothers she hadn't seen in years, as well as almost all of her grandchildren and great grandchildren. I spent most of the day getting to know cousins and aunts/uncles that I hadn't known since I was a little girl.

Grandma Blake and Kiah looking at all of the rocks Kiah collected at Grandma Straight's house

Gabe and Noah (Kass's cute little son)

Grandma Straight with our clan. How lucky we were that Louis was able to spend the weekend with us.
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