Thursday, August 25, 2011

9 Days Late...Journey Josephine Arrives

Journey arrived at 3:41am after only 1 hr 45 min of contractions. She was born at home with a great midwife named Cathy O Bryant and 2 amazing assistants.

Louis caught the baby when she came out and he cut the cord. I think he may take up midwifery in his free time, as he is getting quite good at birthing babies. :)

They weighed her in this little sling. It reminds me of a luggage scale, but cuter. She weighed 8lbs 5 oz and was 22 1/4 in long.

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Sutton Family said...

congrats!!! and thanks for posting the pics! You are amazing- I just have to say that.

Grandma Lynn said...

She is so beautiful. She reminds me of Kiah. I can't wait to hold her and kiss that beautiful little face.
Grandma Lynn

Miranda said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad I get to see Journey, even if you're miles away. Thanks so much for taking great pictures and having wonderful traditions :)

Momza said...

Love that you had a home birth! I've been a midwife assistant and a doula for a few years now and love it! Congratulations! And what a cute name!