Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Caution...Danger ahead!!!

Well, Gabe got a new bike today because the one I bought at a garage sale didn't hold up to Kenda trying to ride it. After a few test runs at Walmart while the girls picked out costumes, he was ready to get home and ride. We put on his "not-so-manly" Dora helmet. (Daddy felt this one would do....I thought he needed something a bit more boyish that had not previously belonged to his sister). Of course, Daddy won. Anyway, the sun was bright so of course I thought he should wear his sun glasses...and it made for a cute photo. He was doing great going up and down the sidewalk and then...he over-corrected. The helmet scooted back farther on his head when he crashed. (I submit that a new one may have saved him). The sunglasses moved up to wear the helmet should have been and they smashed into his forhead when he hit the cement. He has the most gruesome L shaped indent in his forhead from the crash and he banged up his cheek and chin a bit too. The bruise inside the L is also pretty blue/green. He was not the least bit phased by it. He asked right away if he could go back out and ride again. I chickened out and kept him in for the night.

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