Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cake and Ice Cream

The employees were so sad that they were going to miss Gabe's actual birthday, that we decided to celebrate it with them so they could all share in the festivities. The kitchen made a chocolate cake covered in caramel (local favorite) and we made another cake with chocolate cake and chocolate frosting. Kiah picked the sprinkles and I "decorated"....if that is what you could call it.

This is Gabe with Daphne... (his favorite friend besides Adolpho). She is the creator of the monkey pinata and was his other mother while we were there.

Daddy helped him blow out his 2 little candles after some convincing that it was OK to do that.
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Miranda said...

Gabe looks like he had a great day! And an early birthday party is a great thing! So good to see Daphne, too. I sure liked her :)

Matt and Melissa said...

I can't believe Gabe is so big! It seems like yesterday he was just a little guy. We are so jealous you got to spend the summer there. Miss you guys and the island. Please come visit when you are in Provo. Hope all is well.