Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Yeah Potty Potty

I may be off my rocker but I think we are going to start potty training Gabe. He has insisted on sitting on the potty chair to go potty for the last week. He has actually gotten pretty good and #1 and #2 and can consistently tell me "pee" and we run in and he goes. He is only 21 1/2 months and I have been told by all the "experts" that I should wait until he is closer to 3 to start. I hate to discourage the progress he is making by holding off so I think we are heading towards training pants and all that fun stuff. Wish us luck.

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Tony said...

I really enjoy checking the blog from time to time. My favorite is when Gabe attacked the refridgerator with the icecream along with hearing about other destruction. Its really funny when other peoples kids do this stuff. Its not so funny when mine do it though. Weird huh? LOL Love you guys

Campbells said...

I say run with it. Who cares what the experts say! If the kid is ready, he is ready. All three of my kids were trained just at barely 2, even Jack. Which I had heard boys were harder than girls, but I guess not! Good luck!

Momza said...

Elder St. Louis!!! So great to catch up with you guys! You all look great! I was just looking at your Roatan site...dreaming about celebrating our anniversary this Nov someplace warm! lol
We were in Boise for two years and now back to Colo Springs. Would love to hear from you!