Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Clash of the Cousins

Just look at this cute innocent little face. Gabe is such a sweet, helpful little guy. For instance, he could find Noah's sippy anywhere in the house and he would come running as fast as he could yelling "baby..sippy" over and over. Even when Kass hid it in the fridge, Gabe would find it and bring it to Noah. Now, the pictures below are my confession to my sister, who trusted me to watch her son for a while when she went back to her room to shower. I got a bit carried away with dishes etc and when I turned around, Gabe had fed Noah a blue malted robin egg. Noah, as you can see is just fine and completely grateful to Gabe for the kind offer. However, my accomplice (who's name will remain annonymous) and I were both a bit nervous to have to break the news to her that we neglected her son. This is my way of finding out if she is regularly reading my blog and putting a bit of distance between us as I tell that story. :) Sorry Kass!!!

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1 comment:

Kassidy said...

Um...yes...I read your blog!! And your accomplis isn't very hidden in your photos. The funny thing is when I was back in my room with Noah a couple days later, I went into the bathroom for a split second, came out, and BLUE was all over his face. Apparently he had found ANOTHER BLUE egg and ate it...getting blue all over mom's white carpet. I had to have her help me clean it up. I don't feel as bad now that I know she introduced him to the blue egg wonder. Thanks for confessing...and remind me not to let you watch my child again:)