Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Dock Platform

After a while, the kids got finished snorkeling and were ready for the next adventure. Gabe asked....well, actually he begged, if he could jump off the tallest platform at the dock. It is very high and is on the far end of the dock so it is pretty deep open water he is jumping into. He called it the "tippy-top." You are only young once right :) I made each of the kids jump off the middle section first to see if they could brave that height before I let them go off the highest part. Kiah and Gabe still wanted to jump off the high part. Kenda, JoJo and I watched from the lower portion while they jumped.
 This is a cool shot of Kiah jumping off the high platform.
 This is Gabe, full of confidence, awaiting his turn to jump off the tippy top. A gentleman on the dock reminded Gabe to hold his mask when he jumped so it wouldn't come off when he hit the water.
 He is such a cool dude. He just has such calm confidence. When he landed in the water, he looked up and said "Oh yea, ...no mask holdin!" I think he thought he was twice as brave because he didn't hold onto his mask and it still stayed on. Are all little boys this daring? Watch out teenage world. I am in for it!
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