Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Move #13...the lucky one???

Well, to those who are keeping tabs, we are on move #13, but I have a feeling this is going to be one of the last (Either because Louis will find what he is searching for in life and will land the perfect job, or because I am about done packing and unpacking and am going to refuse many more moves.) This one was the hardest for me. After only living for 3 months in Springville, we have packed our house for a new start in Roosevelt, UT. As I mentioned, I was 9 days past due and very tired. Packing and cleaning and moving took lots out of me and I am pretty sure that solidified in my mind that we, as a family, are coming to the end of our nomadic life. We now live in Roosevelt UT, in the Uintah Basin. We are about 30 min from my sister and her husband's family. I am still feeling a bit disoriented in this town, having only ventured out a few times and knowing no one. This is one of the few moves we have made, where we know no one. Usually we have made our moves within Kootenai County so, while we changed wards, we remained close with our core group of friends. It is an adjustment to me to be so far from anyone and everyone. Keep us in your prayers that we adjust quickly and can find a great job to along with our new town.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

No matter where you go, you still have your friends. We're all here for you. Just wish we could have girls nights more often :)